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“The joy of discovery is certainly the liveliest that the mind of man can ever feel”

- Claude Bernard -

出版 / Books


  • 氏田 博士 , 加藤 之貴, 千葉 敏, 松井 一秋, 松尾 尚子

エネルギー科学と地球温暖化 エネルギーを知れば世界がわかる』, 2015、共立出版

  • 氏田 博士、柚原直弘 共著


  • 小松原明哲、北村正晴監訳、分担翻訳

実践レジリエンスエンジニアリング -社会・技術システムおよび重安全システムへの実装の手引き-』 2014、日科技連出版社

  • 小松原明哲監訳、氏田分担翻訳


  • 佐々木良一監修、氏田分担執筆

ITリスク学 情報セキュリティ技術を超えて』2012、共立出版社

  • 柚原直弘監修、氏田分担執筆


  • エネルギー資源学会監修、氏田分担執筆


  • エネルギー学会監修、氏田分担執筆


  • 古田一雄監修、氏田分担執筆


  • 小松原明哲監訳、氏田分担翻訳





解説・総説・特集Commentary・ Review
  • 氏田博士


日本原子力学会和文論文誌Vol.10, No.1 (2011).

  • 氏田博士、波多野守、村田扶美男、河原璋

解説「原子力人材は海外展開で活性化を図る-原子力人材育成関係者協議会 定量分析WG 分析結果」

原子力学会誌、Vol.52、No.10 (2010).

  • 池田一三、田下正宣、氏田博士、松井一秋


原子力学会誌、Vol.49、No.5 (2006).

  • 藤村皓太郎、氏田博士

(社)日本エネルギー学会 総説特集「超長期の視点からのエネルギー技術開発戦略」


  • 氏田博士


オペレーションズ・リサーチ誌,pp646-653, Vol.28 (2006).


  • 氏田博士


信頼性学会誌, ,pp529-541, Vol.26 (2004).

  • 柚原直弘、氏田博士

”安全学”を構築する-日本大学理工学研究所の研究プロジェクト、Cyber Security Management, Vol.5, No.51-56, 2004 Jan.-July.

  •  安全学プロジェクトメンバー(柚原直弘、氏田博士、他5名)


  • 氏田博士、藤田祐志、古田一雄

連載講座 ヒューマンファクター 

第4回 システム設計の原則 

原子力学会誌 Vol.44, No.12, 2002.


  • 氏田博士

「品質危機とヒューマンファクター ~未然防止の基本と実際~」 



  • 内藤正則、安藤泰正、氏田博士、IMPACTプロジェクトチーム

軽水炉発電プラントの事故シミュレーションシステム ‘IMPACT’の

開発 (特集)

原子力学会誌 Vol.41, No.3, 1999

  • 氏田博士



報告第574号、Dec. 1995

  • 氏田博士


― IV 学習者の意欲を促進する教育システム 

原子力学会誌  Vol.37, No.6, 1995

  • 氏田博士


V.4 運転員の認知過程モデルの研究


  • 氏田博士、杉崎利彦、小野寺勝重


情報処理学会誌 Vol.28, No.9 pp.1182-1191 Sep. 1987

論文  / Paper

Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management (PSAM) Topical, October 23-25, 2023, Virtual

Development of Probabilistic Risk Assessment Methodology Using Artificial Intelligence Technology

1. Automatic Fault Tree Creation

Satoshi FUTAGAMI1*, Hidemasa YAMANO1, Kenichi KURISAKA1, Hiroshi UJITA2


2. Automatic Fault Detection Method for Building Reliability Database

Hiroshi UJITA1*, Tatsuya MORIMOTO1, Satoshi FUTAGAMI2, Hidemasa YAMANO2, Kenichi KURISAKA2

Hiroshi Ujita, Fengjun Duan U (2014). The Energy Perspective and Nuclear

Role under Global Warming. Proceedings 2014 Winter Meeting of ANS

Conference, November 9-13, Anaheim, USA.


 Fengjun Duan, Tetsuo Yuhara, Hiroshi Ujita, Kazuhiro Tsuzuki, Toshikazu

 Shindou (2013). Role of CCS in a New International Climate Regime.

 Energy Procedia, Vol. 37, 7502-7511.


新たな気候変動レジームのための世界共有できる中長期ビジョンの検討, 2013.08.27


 段烽軍,湯原哲夫,氏田博士,都筑和泰 (2013).新たな気候変動レジームのた

 めの世界共有できる中長期ビジョンの検討.Journal of Japan Society of

 Energy and Resources, Vol. 34, No. 3, 1-11.


Energy Perspective, Security Problems and Nuclear Role Under Global Warming, 2012.10.02


 Hiroshi Ujita, Tetsuo Yuhara, Fengjun Duan (2012). Energy Perspective

 and Nuclear Role after Fukushima Daiichi Accident. Proceedings 3rd IAEE

 Asian Conference, February 20-22, 2012, Kyoto, Japan.


 Hiroshi Ujita, Fengjun Duan, Toshikazu Shindou (2012). Toward a New

 Climate Regime Establishment (2) ? Energy Issue after the Fukushima

 Daiichi Accident. Proceedings 12th IAEE European Energy Conference,

 September 9-12, 2012, Venice, Italy.


 Fengjun Duan, Hiroshi Ujita, Tetsuo Yuhara (2012). Toward a New Climate

 Regime Establishment (1) ? Mitigation of Global Warming by Optimum

 Energy Mixture. Proceedings 12th IAEE European Energy Conference,

 September 9-12, 2012, Venice, Italy.


 Tetsuo Yuhara, Hiroshi Ujita, and Fengjun Duan (2011), Fukushima Nuclear

 Power Plant Accident and Nuclear Perspectives, Proc. China International

 Energy Forum 2011, Beijing, China, October 29, 2011


Naitoh, M., Ujita, H., Nagata, S.

Parallelization of General-Purpose Hydro-dynamics Analysis Code 'PLASHY'

J.  Nucl. Sci. Technol, (submitted).


Hidaka, M., Ujita, H.,

Verification of Flow Analysis Capability in the Model of Three-Dimensional Natural Convection with Simultaneous Spreading, Melting and Solidification for Debris Coolability Analysis Module in Severe Accident Analysis Code ‘SAMPSON’, (II)

J. Nucl. Sci. Technol , 39 [5], 520-530, 2002.


Ujita, H., Ikeda, T., Naitoh, M.

Severe Accident Analysis Code SAMPSON Improvement for IMPACT Project

JSME International Journal, Series B, Vol.45, No.3, 607-614, 2002.


Hidaka, M., Ujita, H.,

Verification of Flow Analysis Capability in the Model of Three-Dimensional Natural Convection with Simultaneous Spreading, Melting and Solidification for Debris Coolability Analysis Module in Severe Accident Analysis Code ‘SAMPSON’, (I)

J. Nucl. Sci. Technol , 38 [9], 745-756, 2001.


Ujita, H., Hidaka, M.

Model Verification of Debris Coolability Analysis Module in Severe Accident Analysis Code SAMPSON for IMPACT Project

J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 38 [4], 229-241, 2001.


Ujita, H., kubota, R., Ikeda, K.

Development and Verification of Plant Navigation System for Nuclear Power Plant

International Journal of Cognition, Technology & Work, 3 [1], 22-32, 2001.


Ujita, H.

Analysis of JCO Criticality Accident from Human Factors Viewpoint

Part 5 - Safety Culture and Safety Regulation

International Journal of Cognition, Technology & Work, 2 [2], 196‐199, 2000.


Satoh, N., Ujita, H., Shirakawa, N., Miyagi, K., Horie, K., Nakahara, K.

Development of Molten Core Relocation Analysis Module MCRA in the Severe Accident Analysis Code SAMPSON

J.  Nucl. Sci. Technol., 37 [3], 225-236, 2000.


Ujita, H., Satoh, N., Naitoh, M., Hidaka, M., Shirakawa, N., Yamagishi, M.

Development of Severe Accident Analysis Code SAMPSON in IMPACT Project

J.  Nucl. Sci. Technol., 36 [11], 1076-1088, 1999.


Ujita, H., Hidaka, M., Susuki, A., Ishida, N.

Development of Debris Coolability Analysis Module in Severe Accident Analysis Code SAMPSON for IMPACT Project

J.  Nucl. Sci. Technol., 36 [10], 940-952, 1999.


Ujita, H.,Nagata, S. , Ohashi, H.

Development of LGA & LBE 2D Parallel Programs

International Journal of Mathematical Physics C (Physics and Computer), Vol.9, No.8, 1998


Ujita, H., Yokota, T., Tanikawa, N., Mutoh, K.

Computer Aided Instruction Systems for Plant Operators

International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Vol.45, pp.397-412 Nov. 1996




人工知能学会誌  Vol.10, No.6, Nov.  1995


Ujita, H., Kawano, R., Yoshimura, S.

An Approach For Evaluating Expert Performance in Emergency Situations

Reliability Engineering and Systems Safety, Vol.47, pp.163- 173, 1995


Ohtsuka, T., Yoshimura, S., Kawano, R., Fujiie, M.,Ujita, H., Kubota, R.

Nuclear Power Plant Operator Performance Analysis Using Training Simulators

J.  Nucl. Sci. Technol, Vol.31, No11, pp.1184-1193 Nov. 1994




原子力学会誌  Vol.36, No.7, 1994




人間工学  Vol.29, No.4 pp.249-257, 1993




人間工学  Vol.29, No.4 pp.239-248, 1993


Ujita, H.

Human Characteristics of Plant Operation and Man-Machine Interface

Reliability Engineering and Systems Safety, Vol.38, pp.119- 124, 1992


Ujita, H., Fukuda, M., kubota, R.

Plant Operator Performance Evaluation System

J.  Nucl. Sci. Technol, Vol.26, No.6, pp.591-606 June. 1989




原子力学会誌  Vol.29, No.6 pp.538-547 June. 1987


Ujita, H.

A Probabilistic Analysis Method to Evaluate the Effect of Human Factors on Plant Safety

Nucl. Technol. Vol.76 pp.370-376 Mar. 1987


Ujita, H., Takaragi, K., Matsushima, H.

Development of Phased Mission Analysis Method for Large Plants

J.  Nucl. Sci. Technol, Vol.23, No.2, pp.160-167 Feb. 1986


Ujita, H.

Human Error Classification and Analysis in Nuclear Power Plants

J.  Nucl. Sci. Technol, Vol.22, No.6, pp.496-498 June. 1985


Ujita, H.

Development of SUPKIT-II: Computer Aided Fault Tree Analysis System

J.  Nucl. Sci. Technol, Vol.21, No.8, pp.625-633 Aug. 1984


Komata, M., Ujita, H.

Natural Language Retrieval in Nuclear Safety Information System

J.  Nucl. Sci. Technol, Vol.20, No.1, pp.48-62 Jan. 1983


Ujita, H., Osawa, Y., Takeda, S.

Application of Unavailability Analysis Method to Determining Periodic Test Procedure of Emergency Core Cooling System

J.  Nucl. Sci. Technol, Vol.19, No.7, pp.521-527 July. 1982












Ujita, H., Nakadai, Y., Ikeda, T., Naitoh, M.

PWR and BWR plant analyses by Severe Accident Analysis Code SAMPSON for IMPACT Project

International Conference on Advanced Nuclear Power Plants and Global Environment, ANP2003/GENES4, (2003.9, at Kyoto)






Ujita, H., Ikeda, T., Naitoh, M.

Severe Accident Analysis Code SAMPSON for IMPACT Project

9th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, (2001.4, at Nice)


Ujita, H., Ikeda, T., Naitoh, M.,

Integrated Test of Severe Accident Analysis Code SAMPSON for the Impact Project

4th Int. Conf. on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications, SNA-2000, (2000.9, at Tokyo)


Ujita, H., Naitoh, M., Hidaka, M.

Predictive Models for Gap and Ex-vessel Cooling in the Debris Coolability Analysis module of SAMPSON for the Impact Project

Nuclear Thermal-Hydraulics Application Systems, NTHAS2,  (2000.8, at Fukuoka)




機械学会2000年年次大会 (2000.8、名古屋)


Iwashita, T., Ujita, H., Satoh, N., Naitoh, M.

Improvement on Severe Accident Analysis Code SAMPSON in Super Simulator Impact System

Severe Accident Research Japan '99, (1999.11, at Tokyo)


Ujita, H.

Approach to Search Optimum Cooperative Operation

IEEE System, Man, and Cybernetics '99 (1999.10, Tokyo)




Society for Instrument and Control Engineer's 99 in Morioka (1999.7)


Nagata, S., Ujita, H., Naitoh, M.

Phase Separation using LGA 2D Program

8th Int. Conf. on the Discrete Simulation, LGA '99 (1999.7, at Tokyo)


Nagata, S., Ujita, H., Naitoh, M., Nagano, K., Nakadai, Y.

Development of Multi-phase Flow Analysis Code PLASHY

Int. Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Application '99

 (1999.6, at Las Vegas)


Ujita, H., Nagata, S., Satoh, N., Naitoh, M., Hidaka

Simulation Supervisory System for Severe Accident Analysis Code SAMPSON

Int. Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Application '99

(1999.6, at Las Vegas)


Ujita, H., Naitoh, M., Hidaka, M.

Basic Models and Verification Study on Debris Coolability Analysis Module in SAMPSON for the IMPACT Project

7th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, (1999.4, at Tokyo)


Ujita, H., Satoh, N., Shirakawa, N.

Basic Models and Verification Study on Molten-Core Relocation Analysis Module in SAMPSON for the IMPACT Project

7th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering  (1999.4, at Tokyo)


Karasawa, H., Morii, T., Ujita, H., Satoh, N.

Basic Models and Verification Study on Fuel Rod Heat-Up and Fission Product Release Analysis Modules in SAMPSON for the IMPACT Project

7th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (1999.4, at Tokyo)


Ujita, H., Satoh, N., Naitoh, M., Karasawa, H., Shirakawa, N., Yamagishi, M.

Development of Severe Accident Analysis Code SAMPSON for Impact Project

7th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (1999.4, at Tokyo)


Ujita, H., Morii, T., Naitoh, M., Karasawa, H.,  Shirakawa, N., Yamagishi, M.

Integrated Verification Test of Severe Accident Analysis Code SAMPSON in Super Simulator Impact System

Severe Accident Research Japan '98, (1998.11 at Tokyo)


Morii, T., Ujita, H., Naitoh, M., Karasawa, H., Shirakawa, N., Yamagishi, M.

Development of Severe Accident Analysis Code SAMPSON in Super Simulator Impact System

Severe Accident Research Japan '98, (1998.11, at Tokyo)


Andoh, Y., Ujita, H., Satoh, N., Naitoh, M.

Development of Fluid - Structure Interaction Analysis Code in the IMPACT Project

ANS 1998 Winter Mtg. (Nov. 1998 at Washington)


Ujita, H., Akiyama, M., Naitoh, M.

Development of LGA & LBE 2D Parallel Programs

7th Int. Conf. on the Discrete Simulation, LGA '98 (1998.7, at Oxford)


Naitoh, M., Ujita, H., Satoh, N., Vierow, K.

Development of The Simulation System "Impact " for Analysis of Nuclear Power Plant Severe Accidents

8th Int. Top. Mtg. on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, NURETH8 (1997.9 at Washington D.C.)


Ujita, H., Satoh, N., Vierow, K., Naitoh

The "Impact Super-Simulation" Project-Basic Framework

American Nuclear Society Int. Topical Mtg. on Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA96) (96.10 at Park City)


Ujita, H.

What is Expert Performance in Emergency Situations ?

日本人間工学会, 情報処理学会,  計測自動制御学会

6th Inter. Conf. On Human-Computer Interaction (HCI Inter. '95) (95.7 at Yokohama)


Ujita, H.

An Intelligent Computer Aided Instruction System for Plant Operators to Study Emergency Procedures

日本人間工学会, 情報処理学会,  計測自動制御学会

6th Inter. Conf. On Human-Computer Interaction (HCI Inter. '95) (95.7at Yokohama)



Rhagavan, R., Ujita, H., Yamane, S., Komimami, K.

Design Concepts for an Integrated Control Room Used as a Site-Wide Operations Facility

日本機械学会, The Third Inter. Conf. On Nuclear Engineering (Icone-3) (95.4 at Kyoto).


Ujita, H., Kubota, R., Ikeda, K., Kawano, R.

Cooperative Work Analysis of Plant Operator Crew

Purdue University, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Human-Computer Interaction Inter. '93 (1993.8 at Orlando).




人工知能学会研究会 SIG-IES-9303-13, 1993.3




人工知能学会研究会 SIG-IES-9303-6, 1993.3


Kawano, R., Ohtsuka, T., Yoshimura, S., Ujita, H., Kubota, R.

Plant Operator's Behavior in Emergency Situations by Using Training Simulators

11th Inter. Ergonomics Association Congress (July 1991 at Paris)


Ujita, H., Kubota, R., Kawano, R.

Plant Operator Performance Evaluation from the Viewpoint of Crew Communication

American Nuclear Society '91 Annual Meeting. (June 1991 at Orlando)


Ujita, H., Kubota, R., Kawano, R.

Plant Operator Performance Evaluation Based on Cognitive Process Analysis Experiment

American Nuclear Society Topic. Mtg. (June 1990 at Nashville)


Ujita, H., Kubota, R., Kawano, R.

Plant Operator Performance Evaluation Using Cognitive Process Model

Purdue University. University of Wisconsin-Madison, HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) Inter.'89 (1989.9 at Boston)


Ujita, H., Osawa, Y.

Probabilistic Safety Analysis on Boiling Water Reactor Cooling System

American Nuclear Society 1985 Annual Mtg. (June 1985 at Boston)


Ujita, H., Osawa, Y., Matsusima, H.

Development of FBR Plant Reliability Analysis Method

American Nuclear Society 1982 Winter Mtg. (Nov. 1982 at Washington D.C.)


Ujita, H., Osawa, Y., Komata, M., Onodera, K.

A Method for Determining Periodic Test Procedure for Emergency Core Cooling System

American Nuclear Society 1981 Annual Mtg. (June 1981 at Miami Beach)


Ujita, H., Takeda, S., Osawa, Y.

Human Error Analysis in Nuclear Power Plants

American Nuclear Society 1977 Winter Mtg. (Nov. 1977 at San Francisco)



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